Case Study - Blue Diamond Limited


Problems faced by Blue Diamond

  • Manual & time consuming share register management

  • Inefficient mechanism for share trading

  • Lack of transparency for buyers & sellers

  • Low liquidity of the stock

  • Value of business not reflected in share price

  • Loss of control & higher costs if publicly listed


Solutions by TISE Private Markets

  • Online tool to conveniently manage share transfers & shareholder records

  • An auction model which brings together all buy & sell orders

  • A transparent order book with enhanced price formation

  • Electronic transfer of cash & shares providing seamless & efficient settlement

  • Full control of their own dedicated market, with pre-emption algorithm

  • All-inclusive, annual fee - no intermediary charges, or transaction fees


Expected outcomes

✓  Reduced administration burden

✓  Concentrates liquidity and enhances price discovery

✓  Greater shareholder participation

✓  A more accurate, less volatile share price

✓  Maintain control of shareholder base, pre-emption rights retained

✓  Substantial saving vs listing on public markets

“This service provides a fantastic solution for private companies, like Blue Diamond, whose shareholders want a better way to trade their shares but without the cost, regulatory burden, and loss of control that a public listing entails. “

Richard Hemans
Group Finance Director and Company Secretary

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For more information contact

Alex Taylor
Business Development Manager
T: +44 (0) 7818 031007
E: alex.taylor@tisegroup.com